Accurately calculate your daily caloric needs with our advanced formula and macronutrient guide. Body fat calculator
Understand your ideal weight based on these scientifically established formulas:
Formula |
Ideal Weight |
Hamwi |
--- |
Devine |
--- |
Robinson |
--- |
Miller |
--- |
Macronutrient Distribution Tdee
Moderate Carb (30/35/35)
---g Protein
---g Fat
---g Carbs
Lower Carb (40/40/20)
---g Protein
---g Fat
---g Carbs
Higher Carb (30/20/50)
---g Protein
---g Fat
---g Carbs
What is Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE)?
Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is the total amount of calories your body burns in a day. It includes the energy required for basic bodily functions (Basal Metabolic Rate - BMR) and physical activities. TDEE calculation helps you determine how many calories you need to consume to lose, maintain, or gain weight.
The Importance of TDEE
TDEE is a critical tool for achieving your health and fitness goals:
- To Lose Weight: Consume fewer calories than your TDEE.
- To Gain Weight: Consume more calories than your TDEE.
- To Maintain Weight: Match your caloric intake to your TDEE.
How is TDEE Calculated?
TDEE is based on two primary components:
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): The energy your body uses at rest to maintain essential functions like breathing and circulation.
Physical Activity Level: The energy expended through daily activities and exercise.
BMR Formula (Harris-Benedict Equation):
For men:
BMR = (10 × Weight) + (6.25 × Height) - (5 × Age) + 5
For women:
BMR = (10 × Weight) + (6.25 × Height) - (5 × Age) - 161
Activity Levels:
- Sedentary (1.2): Minimal physical activity (e.g., desk job).
- Lightly Active (1.375): Light exercise or daily activity.
- Moderately Active (1.55): Moderate exercise most days of the week.
- Very Active (1.725): Intense exercise regularly.
- Super Active (1.9): Highly intense activity or professional athlete level.
Macronutrient Distribution and TDEE
After calculating your TDEE, you can determine how to distribute your daily calories among macronutrients:
- Protein: Essential for muscle repair and growth, typically 20-30% of your daily calories.
- Fat: Crucial for hormonal balance and energy, generally 20-35%.
- Carbohydrates: The primary energy source, making up 40-60% of daily calories.
Our calculator combines scientific accuracy with user-friendly design to help you quickly and effectively calculate your TDEE:
- Simple and Intuitive: Get detailed results in seconds.
- Graphical Insights: Instantly view your macronutrient breakdown in charts.
- Science-Backed Formulas: Utilizes the latest methods, including Harris-Benedict, Hamwi, and Devine equations.
Start calculating your TDEE now and take the first step toward a healthier you!